I voted yesterday, did you?
Went to the poling place last night to vote.. when the voting person looked up my name, I saw Jesse's name and he put a different address down than where he actually lives LOL. One day his lying will bite him in the butt.
I'm doing ok. Woke up too early because I was having nightmares about this divorce... not because of Jesse himself, but what crap he will try to pull to make me look like the bad guy in this divorce. My feelings for him are now dead, I'm worried about finances now.
In terms of voting, it looks like we might have a republican as a governor. Who would'a thunk. Looks like the racino passed here in Biddeford, and the casino looks like it might pass as well.
Both boys are sick, they're coughing up a storm. I get to go out to dinner tonight with a girl friend... and tomorrow it seems like I will be feeding Jeffrey's new girlfriend LOL.
Other than that, and keeping busy chatting with someone and having fun, nothing much has happened. I got a 73 on my physics test (which I'm extremely happy with lol), and a B on my writing assignment lol. other than that.. nada.