Not too bad a pic for a cell phone eh? For some reason, this building with the clock tower has always intrigued me. I'm not sure why. It looks broken, but still, there has to be history behind it. Why is it just sitting there? It was an old mill.. Biddeford is an old mill town, with many mills sitting broken and forgotten. But, there's life in some of these mills... there's one on the island that is going to open up with apartments in them. I guess about 2/3rds of them will be for lower income residents, and the rest rented at market value. I would love to see them.
Today was a good day for the most part. Had to take Jeffrey to work, he's doing a double today. Went to trans market, which is an Asian market that sells really, really cheap produce. Bought some brussel sprouts (and burnt them for dinner...argh). It's quite an interesting store. I found unique items like dried lilly flower petals and crystal MSG. Drove home, then realized Jeffrey left his wallet in the car.. so I had to turn around and go back. Since he's doing a double, he's gotta eat..
On another note, Jesse texted me today.. amazed the shit out of me LOL. He got pissed that I sicked the oil company after him. The other day, the oil company automatically filled the oil tank, and the bill was nearly 400$. Of course, being in the situation that Jesse left me in, I couldn't afford to pay it. Since the bill was in his name, my lawyer said to call the oil company and give them his address/phone number. So I did. Gave him his number and his girlfriend's address. So, Jesse texted me saying the oil guy needs me to pay the oil bill. I told him per my lawyer, that since it's in his name, he's required to pay it. I told him he didn't realize how strapped for money I was. I told him he's going to have to pay it and that I can't. I told him I asked for his help, and he flat out refused. His response: i can't pay when you're getting 40% of the mortgage.. my "marital support" is your help, and that's 50% of my pay (bullshit), and I'm not paying for oil I don't use.. Of course, I called him out on this crap.. I told him that he brings home 1200+ a month. His rent is 250. His mortgage payment is 450. he pays 60$ on phone. He's living with his girlfriend, so that leaves approx. $500 a month to play with. I told him he can afford it. I then told him that I know his bills (I've done all the financial crap for us since we got together, and unless he lied on his financial paperwork...) and told him to call the oil company up and set up a payment plan. His response? That he will do it this ONE time and I'll have to find another oil company.
What a loser LOL. Wanna compare bills? having a home is more than just paying the mortgage. But of course Jesse would know this if he would've ever given up the excuse that he's "numbers dyslexic" and helped out with the finances... or any type of paperwork period.
He's being a jerk. Well, that's fine. keep being one. It'll catch up to him soon.
I think what pissed me off about this whole situation, is the fact that Jesse is supposed to be this upstanding Christian guy, when in fact he's an ass. Just take a look (if he doesn't erase it when I post this.. it was there the other day LOL) at his interests on facebook .. he likes "a woman that doesn't have to rely on a man's paycheck to survive". Of course, I have to rely on his help.. he put us in this situation. He wanted this house, and I did all the work to get us in this house, for the same reason why he couldn't ever do our finances... all he had to do was sign on the dotted line, which he was quite happy to do so. He knows for a fact (I've told him this several times) I can't afford to live here and pay all the bills on my own.. but does he care? No. He's always just cared about what he wants... it was always about him. It still is.
Sorry about the rant. I do feel better. At least it's getting less frequent.
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