Nothing new and exciting today.. other than the fact this is the first day I totally feel like my normal self. I started to feel it yesterday as well, even with the bullshit at work. I feel myself smiling more and talking more often. People are noticing it as well.
I woke up early, after 8 hours of sleep (yay!).. did laundry, waited for Jeffrey to get up so I can take him to work, and Derrick and I went shopping. Other than that, nada. Oh well.
I did get to be the shoulder of a friend when they needed to vent, when it's usually me who's doing the venting. It felt good to help out.. I hope everything turns out ok for her. She's had a shitty life these past few years.
So far, it's been about two months since I've been dieting, and I've lost 40lbs (if you want, I can subtract the 260+ lbs when Jesse left LOL). I feel good, and am doing good. I only dream of cheating.. literally. Last night I dreamed I was eating fried chicken and was feeling quite guilty about the carbs involved. But, in real life, I have no cravings for anything really. Now, it's more to eat to survive rather than eating emotionally. I mean, I ate breakfast at 6 am, ate some pork rinds early afternoon, and forgot to eat until a few minutes ago. I must have been eating emotionally quite a bit when I was with Jesse. that would explain the weight gain when we were together. Makes sense I guess.
I wouldn't mind watching a movie, but I'm tired. So, I think I'll watch the rest of cops, and then head off to bed.. read a book, and turn the electric blanket on :).
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