Pretty uneventful day today.
Took Jeffrey to work then weekly grocery shopping. Watched Lovely Bones, pretty good movie but the book was better of course.
Now Derrick and I are watching clash of the titans. The original was better, but the main character in the newer one is hotter.
I got invited to another shindig with Debbie, but had to turn her down.. wanted to stay in, not to mention having to pick up Jeffrey at 10 kinda ruins the party spirit lol.
I feel.. kind of alone. I need to do social things, but not sure what, where, or with who. I am not much of a partier since I don't drink. Maybe I should take up chatting again. Although, I don't have a clue where to. Do people even chat anymore? LOL. If you know of any social things I can do, please feel free to let me know LOL.
I should do what Debbie does, and remodel the house. But since I can bet Jesse's going to be an ass about helping me keep the house, we more than likely will not be staying here. First, he fucks with my life by sleeping with another, then he's trying to take my home away from me. He's a loser to make someone else pay for his sexual indiscretions. I'm not really worried though... things are looking up for me.
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