Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday 10/8/10

Today's been an exhausting day. I'm tired from work, it was stressful this week and I'm glad it's done. It was so tiring, I could literally fall asleep right now. Probably why this post won't be too long LOL.

A person at work totally pissed me off today, tried to throw me under the bus for something that I had no control over, when in fact his employees screwed up. It really really pissed me off LOL. Then he began to tell me how to do my job... but that's ok..I stood my ground and I got over it .. after a few hours LOL. He does it one more time, I'm going to have to have a talk with the department manager. This guy isn't even remotely in my chain of command and should not be talking to me in this way... or dictating me how to do my job.

I cut Jeffrey's mop today, he wanted a high and tight, but not too tight. I did an ok job. With his cut hair, I could've made a wig for someone. And he didn't even have long hair. Oh I wish I had his hair lol

We also had to go to Kohls to get him a shirt for the homecoming dance tomorrow. Thank god for coupons LOL. cheap cheap. Almost talked him into a red shirt.. he wouldn't have cared. He's so freaking skinny that you look at him sideways you can't see him. He swims in his old shirt.

He's off working tonight, but thank god that he's getting a ride from a friend. I'm too tired LOL.

Derrick's spending time alone in his room, and I'm trying to watch tv... but I'm soooo tired LOL. I'm trying to at least stay up until 830. I don't think I'll make it. I'm so old. But then again, keep going to bed at 9 and waking up at 4 will do that to you after a while.

So, see you all tomorrow!

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